

Brew: Burton Baton

Brewery: Dogfish Head Brewing

Style: Oak Aged Imperial India Pale Ale

ABV: 10%

Tasting Notes: If  its Dogfish Head and Hops I for one feel like I can rest assured that Its going to be well worth it from start to finish. This brew pours an off brown color with some awesome orange highlights around the edges. As far as a head is concerned there was only about a half fingers worth of off white fluffiness that dissipated before I could get the first sip down. The nose on this beer is just ridiculous, before I got into the craft beer side of things I really never realized just how many things could be in a smell or aroma! This beer runs a gauntlet between pleasantly sweet hits of vanilla tannins and oak mingled with rich maltiness to sharp citrusy hits of Northwestern hops. The mouth feel is medium- high with the carbonation coming in on the lower end of the spectrum. As expected once I got done falling in love with the nose on this brew the sip was equally pleasing and complex almost mirroring the aroma. The sip starts out with the oak and vanilla taking front and center followed by a very hoppy middle that fades into a bitter finish that returns to the malts and lingers with the oak. Once this beer warmed up a little the ABV and the oak flavors really start to overtake the blend. Our hats are off to Dogfish for produceing one the finest oak aged IPA’s we have had to date!


Rating: 4.25 Hats